Deely Sports Science connects with SURPASSPORT

By Ciaran Deely – CEO of Deely Sport Science Ltd; and
Adrian Geissel – Founder of SURPASSPORT

SURPASSPORT are delighted to announce our latest strategic partnership with Deely Sports Science, online coaching & sport science subscription-based service that caters for coaches, sport scientists and S&C coaches.

Our businesses share a belief in continuous Coach Education to promote best practices and to challenge our habits, so that we can improve the experience for our teams to increase performance across all ages, abilities and ambitions.

Ciaran Deely said “We felt a strategic partnership between our businesses was a logical step for ourselves, our members and our customers. We are delighted SURPASSPORT have come on board with us to make this collaboration a reality.”

Our collaboration will combine quality training content with an easy-to-use continuous professional development (CPD) logging system, ideal for both professional coaches who must keep accurate records as part of their professional membership, and for amateur coaches who simply want to bookmark training courses for future use.

As part of our new strategic partnership, SURPASSPORT are offering all Deely Sports Science members 3 months free use of the App for coaches and their club. Simply enter the voucher code ‘DSScpd’ when registering your club or team.

This is another great step forward for our companies, as it brings our members in touch with a new and innovative company at the forefront of youth development and Coach Education management – an area we are making strides in.

Connecting Deely Sports Science with SURPASSPORT allows us to bring daily updates of the best Webinars from around the world which we publish on our website here and send out on our Twitter feed @DeelySport We’ve even collated all the information so that you can book into the Webinars directly through our website! Check for #SportsWeminars on Twitter.

About Deely Sports Science

Deely Sport Science is an online coaching & sport science subscription-based service that caters for coaches, sport scientists and S&C coaches.

We are a community of practitioners who have come together as one club to drive performance and development. We have over 220 subscribed members, along with a 15,000 strong social media following. Each week, coaching resources for all sports are uploaded to our website for our coaches to view, edit and download to adapt to their team and players. Though we are primarily focused on the sports of GAA and soccer, we are building a following in rugby, athletics and all sports.

We cater for all coaches working from U8s to professional Premier League level. The weekly content created by Deely Sport Science has been created by coaches who work at professional adult and Academy football level, and also Senior Inter County football and right throughout different age groups and sports.

The weekly resources include- session plans, videos of games, blogs, vlogs, interactive data and webinars. We have also just launched our new podcast: The Locker Room Podcast by Deely Sport Science, which you can find on all podcast platforms.

Ciaran Deely, CEO of Deely Sport Science Ltd.


Extending beyond player-centred team management, SURPASSPORT provides modern and connected CPD management, where coaches can selectively share their CPD records with the Club’s Coach Development Officers.

Accessed through our secure club or section dashboard, Development Officers can easily track training needs, whether compliance mandated (such as First Aid or Safeguarding when working with minors) or as a skills master class for a new cohort of volunteer coaches. They can also arrange in-house training, booked on SURPASSPORT and automatically records as a CPD event for those attended.

Where training must be repeated at intervals, Coach and the Development Officer(s) are proactively notified as expiry approaches, allowing attendance at a suitable course or webinar to be arranged in good time.

Our goal is to improve the experience for underage players and emphasising CPD helps to encourage a culture of regular learning and best practice, for the individual coach and for the organization. Ultimately a win for the player, the team, the club and the sport.

Adrian Geissel, Founder & CEO, SURPASSPORT

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